Saturday, August 11, 2012

Swans Island Maine Lobsters

Lobsters, lobsters and more lobsters!
My friend's son Charlie is lobstering on Swans Island, Maine. Recently, we went to visit him and of course he was eager to show us his new trade. Captain Troy, a sixth generation lobster fisherman, and Charlie took us out to haul traps and show us what a day in the life of a lobster fisherman was like. On the traditional lobster boat, the crew consists of the "captain" and the "sternsman"

The Lobster Feast
Swans Island is located about 6 miles off the coast of Mount Desert Island- home of Acadia National Park. Its population of 550 people swells to 2000  during the summer months.

There are 40 lobster fisherman on the island, this wharf belongs to one family where a father and his 3 sons fish from.

Below are some of the lobster traps used for fishing.

 The bait that is used are mackerel that ripen in oil. The stuff gets everywhere and over everything. The stink from the rotting mackerel is unusual and strong. It might be P.U. to people, but lobsters love it.

Below Charlie is helping sister Callie get suited up for a lesson at being a sternsman. She can't wait to get her hands on some of the bait.